Products and systems for your basic furnace
We are committed to providing an optimal planning service and top quality products. At RATH, you’ll find the right product for every application in tiled stove and fireplace construction. We’re happy to answer your questions about our products.
Combustion chamber systems
Innovative combustion chambers for storage stovesRATH offers two products in the field of combustion chamber systems: the bio furnace chamber “Biofeuerraum Plus”, which has particularly low emission test values, and the Pilo small tiled stove, which is compact and quick to install.
Components for furnace shells, plaster covers, smoke pipe connections
Room for design inspirationThese components can be used for the furnace shell in tiled stove construction, and can also be used as ceramic cladding. They are ideal for designing the furnace shell, especially for plastered stoves set with an air gap.
Mortars, adhesives, compounds and plasters
A bespoke solution for every requirementRATH mortars have ceramic, hydraulic/ceramic or chemical setting properties, and the processing properties are specifically matched to the fire clay and insulating materials in the RATH range. The right product for every application.
Do you have any questions about our products?
Further information is available on the stove fitters’ page.
The current product catalog with prices, registration for stove fitter training courses and further information can be found here.